GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Key Stage 1

At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Schools our curriculum, in Key Stage 1, is designed to help all of our children to have high aspirations and to become resilient, lifelong learners who accept difficulties and continue to grow as individuals.

Children can develop curious minds and a lifetime love of learning through our comprehensive and varied curriculum.  We believe in recognising and applauding every achievement while also preparing our children for the future.  We take pride in providing our students with a variety of learning opportunities, such as hands-on workshops, educational trips and visitors across all classes.


Our English curriculum exposes children to a variety of genres throughout the year, giving them opportunities to express themselves through writing, drama and oracy.

Year 1 continue with our SSP (systematic, synthetic phonics) scheme; Read Write Inc, where sounds are gradually introduced, consolidated, and integrated in their learning across every subject.  Year 2 consolidate their phonics skills further by using the Read Write Inc spelling and comprehension programme.  This focuses on various spelling rules, inference skills and continues to decode information.  As a school, we encourage the children to read all books three times to encourage accuracy, fluency and comprehension.


In maths, children learn through a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract) approach, exploring manipulatives to consolidate key strategies and apply them with increasing independence.  Our lessons follow a sequence of small steps to ensure all children are secure and develop their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.  We follow White Rose in EYFS, which underpins the learning from Primary Stars in KS1: allowing for coherence across all year groups.  Teachers have support from our local Maths Hub and use the NECTM to support the delivery of maths.  All classes follow a number facts programme called Mastering Number ‘The Phonics of Maths”.

Foundation Subjects

At PRL we follow a themed curriculum, which changes half termly to keep the children engaged and excited.  It is designed to build upon prior learning and to prepare children for the following year group by forming a basis for History, Geography, Science, Music, Art and DT.  We believe it is important for children to be fully immersed in a variety of themes to embed their learning and ignite their excitement for each subject.

Our PE curriculum is supported by In2Sport coaches who are a specialist primary education sports coaching provider.  As this is a compulsory subject, all children received two hours of physical education a week.

In RE, we follow the Surrey Agreed Curriculum for Religious Education.  Throughout KS1, children will learn about Christantiy, Judaism and Islam.

As a school we immerse the children in outdoor learning, through Forest School, environmental walks, allotments and the local surroundings.  Our rich topic-based curriculum includes engaging and motivational planning, visitors to our schools and educational trips help to develop successful learners who embrace challenge, enjoy making progress and achieving their best.

‘Quality First’ teaching ensures that all lessons are exciting, engaging and appropriately challenging, building on what children already know.  All teachers use a wide range of teaching approaches to suit all learning styles and children are encouraged to extend their learning through a range of differentiated activities and experiences.

Learning is targeted and personalised at all times, providing high challenge and skillful support in the relentless drive to raise attainment regardless of starting points.  This is achieved through approaches such as extended curriculum tasks, small group and 1:1 learning contexts.
