
The Federation has high expectations for excellent attendance and we expect all children to attend school every day, on time.  High levels of attendance not only serve to safeguard pupils academic progress, but also supports their positive emotional wellbeing through PSHE, pastoral care and opportunities to develop sustained friendships.

Why is attendance important?

Children who miss school are more likely to become victims or perpetrators of crime.  The more school children miss, the harder it is to catch up.  Statistics show that 90% of persistent absentees (those with attendance below 90%) fail to achieve 5 or more good GCSE grades or equivalent.  Poor examination results limit young people's options.  Good school outcomes are the passport into higher education and better jobs.

What can parents do to ensure good attendance at school?

  • Create good routines for mornings at home so that your child can arrive punctually and ensure they are properly prepared for their day
  • Encourage and show interest; discuss their day with them
  • Contact the school if your child is worried about something, causing reluctance to go to school
  • Let the school know the reason(s) for any absence and a likely return date, on the first day of the absence and update the school daily
  • Make medical/dental appointments out of school time
  • Do not take holidays during term time

What do I need to do if my child cannot attend school?

We monitor attendance daily for safeguarding purposes.  If your child cannot attend school, parents are requested to notify the school on the first day of absence by telephone between 8:00am and 9:30am.  Messages will be recorded by the answer-phone and subsequently checked against the class register.  If no message is received by 9:30am the school office will endeavour to contact you on the telephone contact numbers given by you.  Attempted contact will continue up until 10:30am.  If we do not receive an explanation, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.

Penalty Notices

By law, schools must record absences and the reasons given for these absences, which are coded in class registers.  There is no automatic entitlement in law to time off in school terms to go on holiday.  Please be aware that The Education (Pupil Registration)(England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which became law on 01 September 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.  Each request for absence will be considered individually, taking into account attendance records and the potential impact on a child’s progress.

The school or local authority can fine parents/carers for the unauthorised absence of their child from school, where the child is of compulsory school age.

Penalty notices can be issued by a headteacher, local authority officer or the police.

The decision on whether or not to issue a penalty notice may take into account:

  • The number of unauthorised absences occurring within a rolling academic year
  • One-off instances of irregular attendance, such as holidays taken in term time without permission
  • Where an excluded pupil is found in a public place during school hours without a justifiable reason

Amount payable:

£80.00 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days of receipt of notice.

Rising to £160.00 per parent, per child if paid after 21 days but within 28 days.

Failure to pay The Penalty Notice will result in you being served with a summons to appear at the Magistrates Court.


For more information regarding attendance, please refer to the 'Attendance Policy'. 


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Attendance Policy 06th Sep 2024 Download