Inclusion / SEND
Pine Ridge and Lorraine are mainstream Infant schools and support students with a range of Special Educational Needs including, Specific Learning Difficulties, Moderate Learning Difficulties, ASD, ADHD, Speech and Language Needs and other Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties. Students with special educational needs are fully integrated into all aspects of school life.
Mrs Horgan is the SENCO at Pine Ridge and Lorraine Infant Schools and is responsible for overseeing the SEND provision.
SENCO: Hayley Horgan
Inclusion Assistant: Tina Billyard
Contact email:
or by phone: 01276 23207 (Pine Ridge) or 01276 65649 (Lorraine)
At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Schools we aim to:
- Ensure all children have access to a broad and balanced education
- Provide access to a full and differentiated curriculum appropriate to the needs and abilities of individuals
- Ensure early identification of a child’s special needs
- Provide appropriate support for children identified as having Special Educational Needs
- Raise self-esteem through positive praise
- Ensure that pupils with Special Educational Needs take as full a part as possible in all school activities
- Keep parents informed of their child’s progress and achievement.
Children with special educational needs, are identified and taught appropriately following the requirements of the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs. The school works closely with external agencies: Education Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Specialist Teachers for Inclusive Practice (STIPs) etc. who are available to offer support and advice as required. We pride ourselves on striving to make a real difference for children who are on the Special Needs Register and for them to feel confident to participate as fully as possible in school life.
Individual Support Plans are a way of showing the range of provision available to children with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND). They detail the interventions that are in 'addition to' and 'different from' that which is offered through the school's curriculum.
At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Infant Schools we recognise that the quality of teaching within the classroom has the greatest influence over children’s progress. We therefore invest in training, resources and monitoring to ensure our classrooms are an inclusive place for all children. This is known as our Universal Offer providing Quality First Teaching for all pupils in an inclusive classroom level.
Carefully selected small-group and one-to-one interventions complement high quality teaching, without creating a barrier to the inclusion of pupils with SEND. Interventions are targeted through identification and assessment of need and the intensity of intervention (from universal to targeted to specialist) increases with need. Targeted interventions are planned to enable children to accelerate their progress and work at, or above the expectations for their age. These are generally taught in a small group and sometimes a 1:1 situation. Specialist provision may also be provided individually or in a small group, and the support provided is personalised to enable the child to achieve his/her potential.