Curriculum Overview
At Pine Ridge and Lorraine, we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence and are always looking to refine our curriculum offer. We have a strong, ambitious and effective interdisciplinary curriculum in place which ensures that explicit links are made between different subject areas. We are a research and evidence-based school, and everything in our curriculum is deliberately chosen to ensure inclusive practice is at the heart of our offer.
EYFS at Pine Ridge and Lorraine
We want our children to be engaged, motivated, creative and curious. This will enable them to become problem solvers, critical thinkers, risk takers and independent learners. We achieve this through our early years environment which is stimulating and inviting both inside and outside with high quality open ended resources using a free flow approach.
We provide rich learning opportunities which promote challenge and enable children to become independent and resilient learners. Multi use resources enable children to have ownership over their learning. We create environments where children can have fun and create purposeful mess. Adults are sensitive and nurturing and sensitively support children’s play, language and thinking through positive relationships. This includes skilled questioning which helps to extend children’s thinking and understanding without interfering with their original ideas and thoughts.
Through a deep knowledge of child development our environment and interactions creates happy, confident children. This is enhanced by relevant adult directed activities.
Through this provision, we aim to create skilled lifelong learners. Please follow the link to our Early Years Foundation Stage Policy:
Learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)
In planning and guiding children’s learning experiences, staff in our Nursery and Reception classes reflect on the different ways that children learn and cater for these in their daily practice.
Three characteristics of effective learning in the early years are:
Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’
Active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements
Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things
Learning experiences for Nursery and Reception children are planned around seven Prime and Specific Areas of Learning and experience. Early Learning Goals summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of the Reception year.
Playing and exploring with the willingness ‘to have a go’, alongside being an active learner engaging in ‘hands on’ experiences, develops each child’s ability to make links, share views and express ideas in a safe and supportive learning environment.
Early Years practice is developed in line with ‘best practice’ guidelines and supports the concept of continuous provision, free-flow, and a predominantly child-led learning environment both indoors and outdoors. At the heart of this is the development of communication and language skills through ShREC interactions and targeted Wellcomm interventions.
Key Stage 1
At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Schools our curriculum, in Key Stage 1, is designed to help all of our children to have high aspirations and to become resilient, lifelong learners who accept difficulties and continue to grow as individuals.
Children can develop curious minds and a lifetime love of learning through our comprehensive and varied curriculum. We believe in recognising and applauding every achievement while also preparing our children for the future. We take pride in providing our students with a variety of learning opportunities, such as hands-on workshops, educational trips and visitors across all classes.
In Autumn term, Year 1 revisits the Early Learning Goals to create a smooth transition from Reception to Year 1. At the heart of this is the development of communication and language skills through continued ShREC interactions and targeted Wellcomm interventions making sure all children keep up rather than catch up.
If you have any further questions regarding our curriculum, please contact the school office.
Yearly Curriculum Overviews |
Reception - Yearly Curriculum Overview |
Year 1 - Yearly Curriculum Overview |
Year 2 - Yearly Curriculum Overview |