Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 must wear school uniform which helps to develop pride in our school. Our school colours are red, white and grey, and we have a sweatshirt with our Federation logo. Uniform can be purchased from the school office or ordered online from Brigade:
Please follow the link for the Measuring Guide from Brigade to help with sizing.
Lorraine Logo Sweatshirt/Cardigan (Red) - purchased from Brigade
Grey Skirt or Trousers - purchased from any high street retailer/supermarket
White Polo Shirt (with logo available from Brigade) - purchased from any high street retailer/supermarket
Grey Skirt, Shorts or Trousers - purchased from any high street retailer/supermarket
White Polo Shirt (with logo available from Brigade) - purchased from any high street retailer/supermaket
Red and White Checked Summer Dress (optional) - purchased from Brigade or any high street retailer/supermarket
Sensible low heeled and well fitting black shoes should be worn. Please ensure that all skirts are a sensible length. Please send the children to school clean and tidy, with all items of clothing clearly marked with the child’s name.
PE Kit
Children need to wear black shorts and a white t-shirt for PE lessons, which should be put in a named drawstring bag (Red) purchased from the school or Brigade. Following County guidelines all indoor apparatus work is done in bare feet. Plimsolls or trainers are used for outdoor PE.
Secondhand Uniform
Secondhand uniform sales are held at the school throughout the school year.
For health and safety reasons we discourage the wearing of jewellery to school and it is our policy that jewellery (including earrings) are not worn for any form of physical education. If earrings are worn to school children must be able to remove and replace them themselves.