GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

School Admissions

Pine Ridge and Lorraine Infant admission arrangements are designed to be in line with Surrey County Council's determined admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for the 2025-26 round.  All admission applications must be made via Surrey County Council via the link below.

Applications Open for September 2025 start: Monday 4th November 2024                
Application Deadline: Wednesday 15th January 2025
National Offer Date: Wednesday 16th April 2025
Accept or Decline your child's place: Wednesday 30th April 2025

Admissions Criteria for September 2025

  1. The Published Admission Numbers for each school for 2025 admission is 30.
  2. Applications for admission at the normal intake will be managed in accordance with Surrey’s coordinated scheme on primary admission.  Please see Surrey’s website for further details regarding applications, processing, offers, late applications, post-offer and waiting lists.
  3. Applications for the September 2025 Reception Classes must be made by 15th January 2025.  Places at Surrey primary schools will be offered on the basis of the preferences that are shown on the application form.  Parents will be asked to rank up to four preferences and these will be considered under an equal preference system.
  4. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names this school will be allocated a place before other applicants are considered.  In this way, the number of places available will be reduced by the number of children with a statement that has named the school.
  5. When Pine Ridge or Lorraine are over-subscribed for any year group, applications will be ranked in the following order:
  • First priority:  Looked after and previously looked after children
  • Second priority:  Children who will have a sibling at the school or at the linked school, Cordwalles Junior School which will operate shared sibling priority for admission at the time of the child’s admission.
  • Third priority:  Children of staff
  • Fourth priority:  Any other children

For more details, please see our Admissions Policy below.

Waiting Lists

Waiting lists are ranked according to a school's admissions criteria, not the date the application was received or when the child's name was added to the list.  Waiting lists will be maintained by Admissions at Surrey County Council until the last day of the Summer Term in the academic year children are admitted to.  Any applicants who wish their child to remain on the waiting lists must write to the school and Surrey County Council by the last day of the Summer Term, otherwise all lists are cancelled at the end of each academic year.

Your Child’s Position on the Waiting List

Your child's position on a waiting list can go down as well as up.  This will occur if other children are added to the list because they have greater priority against the school's admission criteria.

To find out the position of your child on the Waiting List, you can call Surrey County Council on 0300 200 1004.

How to apply for a place for September 2025

All admission applications must be made via Surrey County Council.

Surrey County Council School Admissions

In-Year Admissions

We will continue to use the centrally managed applications run by Surrey County Council for all in-year admissions.  Please follow this link for instructions on how to apply to schools during the academic year:

In-Year Admissions
