GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Subject Overview

Religious Education at Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation provides our children with the opportunity to reflect on and learn from the faiths and beliefs of those around them.  We aim to provide opportunities for the children in our schools to learn about the beliefs and practises people base their lives on, encouraging respect for those around us.  We believe that Religious Education should foster positive attitudes toward others, whilst also enhancing students' spiritual and moral development in an environment where children can grow without prejudice.

Curriculum Intent

At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, we believe that learning about different religious traditions and values provides a valuable educational, social, and cultural experience for our pupils. We believe that the teaching of RE should encourage positive attitudes towards others and enhance pupils’ own spiritual and moral development in an environment where our children can grow without prejudice. At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, our curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum and Surrey SACRE (Surrey Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).

Curriculum Implementation

Through the Religious Education syllabus, we strive to provide engaging and informative lessons enabling pupils to achieve their potential and contribute successfully to society. The RE curriculum is a broad and varied curriculum where we deliver lessons in a variety of ways.  We have a selection of artefacts for all religious education teaching units, readily available to support our lessons and use a range of videos and visitors to help share first hand experiences.  At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, our RE curriculum has links with Art, Drama, Geography, PSHE, Science and English, and it is taught under Understanding of the World in EYFS linking with Communication and Language, Personal, Emotional Development and Expressive Arts and Design.

Curriculum Impact

At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, we envision the religious education curriculum to prepare our children for living in a multicultural society by developing their knowledge, understanding and thinking around different beliefs. Religious Education contributes to the general aims of our school in a variety of ways, but in particular by, 

Broadening the child’s experience of:

  • Awe and wonder about the world
  • The mystery and complexity of the natural world
  • The children’s own developing identity and self esteem
  • How other people live, feel and react
  • What is involved in the membership of a group
  • Feelings of belonging, responsibility, courage and compassion
  • Other cultures and environments.
  • Developing attitudes which lead to:
  • A respect for those with differing views
  • A development of empathy and sensitivity.

Developing abilities and skills in order to:

  • Recognise that language has a variety of uses
  • Know that symbols of dance, drama, music and art are forms of communication
  • Express thought and feelings
  • Relate to and understand other people

What a typical lesson looks like

Each of our teaching units are based on a key question which is explored through the unit’s content and the skills and attitudes to be developed through RE are explored. At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, our children are encouraged to investigate, question and respond, as well as gain knowledge and understanding. The RE units will vary in length and depth and may be delivered in different ways. Appropriate activities are planned with the use of religious artefacts, including writing, drama, discussion, questioning and the creative arts.

SEND and Inclusion

At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, we aim to reduce the barriers that our children with specific needs may face when accessing the RE curriculum. This includes highly specific curriculum planning that considers in greater detail the building blocks of knowledge that our children need to access the RE curriculum.

How can I support my child in RE?

National Associal of Teachers of Religious Education
RE: Online
Diocese of Guildford