At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, our geography curriculum helps students develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. From learning about local landscapes to exploring global environments, we equip our children with the knowledge and skills to navigate an ever-changing world. Geography is about more than just maps - it's about understanding how people, places, and environments are connected.
Through our GLF Curriculum, children’s geographical knowledge and skills build progressively through EYFS to Year 6. For example, in Year 1 children explore their local area and consider the physical and human features they can observe. This is then further developed in Year 3 when they go to Cordwalles where children look at local waterways and consider how the use of these has changed over time. Through the curriculum, children deepen their understanding of the world around them and how physical and human processes interact. For example, in Reception the children compare breads from around the world and in Year 2, the children explore the local area. Throughout the Key Stages, children develop their ability to read a range of different maps, observe and analyse findings during fieldwork and think critically about what they have learnt.
How can I support my child with Geography?
Explore Your Area
You could go on walks or bike rides to explore your local environment together and discuss what you see.
Use Maps and Globes
Help your child locate places on a map and talk about the geography of different regions. The use of online tools such as Google Earth can let you explore places all around the world.
Discuss Global Issues
Talk about the importance of environmental conservation, weather patterns, or world events that maybe occurring.
Useful Weblinks:
Google Earth - A virtual globe that allows children to explore different places around the world, zoom into landmarks, cities, and natural features. It’s a great way to visualize geography in a real-world context.
National Geographic Kids - Articles, games, videos, and quizzes on different countries, environments, wildlife, and global cultures. Perfect for young explorers to learn about the natural world and human geography.
BBC Bitesize Geography - Covers topics like weather, climate, maps, physical features, and global locations. There are a range of interactive activities and quizzes make learning fun and easy.
National Geographic Map Maker - This interactive map tool allows children to explore different maps and create their own. They can learn about world geography, environments, and human settlements.