GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

English - Writing

Subject Overview

In Early Years, the children are taught to hold a pencil effectively to prepare them for fluent writing.  They learn to write recognisable letters and will form most of these correctly.  They use their phonic knowledge to identify sounds and spell words, in order to write simple phrases and sentences.

In Key Stage 1, it is important that children develop the physical skills for handwriting, including holding a pencil comfortably, forming lower-case letters accurately, writing numbers and forming capital letters.  They use their phonic skills to encode the sounds they hear in words and will make phonetically plausible attempts at unknown words.  Children learn how to organise their ideas by orally rehearsing a sentence before writing it, sequencing sentences into short narratives and re-reading their writing to check that it makes sense.  As children become more confident writers, they develop stamina for writing and write for different purposes, both real and fictional and often linked to their curriculum study.

Curriculum Intent

At Pine Ridge and Lorraine, our intent for writing is to cultivate a love of language and communication, fostering creativity and confidence in our young writers.  We encourage children to express their thoughts and feelings through a variety of writing forms, including narratives, poetry, and informative texts, recognising the unique voice of each child.  We equip our pupils with essential writing skills, including phonics, grammar, punctuation, and spelling, ensuring they can articulate their ideas clearly and effectively.  We envision to promote a culture of reading through the range of diverse texts we use to stimulate our writing.  A robust reading culture underpins our writing curriculum, as we understand that exposure to rich vocabulary and diverse texts enhances children’s writing capabilities.  We believe in the power of collaboration; children work together to share ideas, provide feedback, and develop their writing skills through shared experiences.

Curriculum Implementation

Our implementation strategy encompasses a systematic approach to writing that aligns with the National Curriculum, whilst tailoring our practices to meet the diverse needs of our learners.  We utilise a diverse selection of engaging texts chosen from our writing scheme Herts For Learning to inspire children and establish a strong foundation in language.  Storytelling sessions are a cornerstone of our practice, where children are encouraged to retell and innovate upon narratives, fostering their imagination and vocabulary.  Writing skills are developed sequentially, with a clear progression from mark-making and letter formation to composing structured sentences and narratives.  Regular assessments inform personalised learning goals, enabling teachers to provide targeted support for developing writers.  Children's writing is showcased through displays and celebration assemblies, instilling a sense of pride and ownership over their work.  Teachers engage in ongoing professional development focused on effective writing pedagogy, including the use of formative assessments and tailored feedback strategies.  Opportunities for collaboration and sharing of best practices amongst staff enhance the quality of writing instruction delivered.

What a typical lesson looks like

  • All lessons will begin with a handwriting lesson.  Children will engage in a finger and hand warm up before practicing their letter formation, following the rhymes learnt within the Read Write Inc phonics lessons.
  • After this, some lessons will consist of a short input and class discussion with small tasks for the children to complete related to the book the children are studying.  Other lessons may include a model writing session, where the teacher will model writing a piece of writing with the support and guidance of the children, generating ideas and suggestions ready for their writing later on in the lesson.
  • Lesson objectives may vary between a grammar or an extended write focus

SEND and Inclusion

  • All children are guided and supported through the writing process.
  • Word mats and flash cards are used to support the children’s choice of vocabulary.
  • Talking tins are available across the school to support children in remembering their sentence before they write it.
  • Sound mats are provided to aid the children in using the correct sounds that they have learnt within their Read Write Inc phonics lessons.

How can I support my child in English?

  • Read with your child regularly as this will develop their exposure to new words and expand their imagination.
  • Try some real-world writing such as cards, shopping lists, or letters to relatives as this can be motivating real life reasons for writing, and can show children how useful it is to be able to write well.
  • Give your child the opportunity to tell stories orally as it is a great way to get them used to structuring their ideas and using adventurous language.