Subject Overview |
Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation (PRL) is dedicated to the development of mathematics and teach using White Rose, Primary Stars and Mastering Number schemes of learning. We want to motivate all students to achieve their maximum academic potential by providing children with the tools they need to solve challenges in real-life situations. This requires implementing an inclusive curriculum in mathematics that enhances children's knowledge and understanding of mathematical ideas through critical thinking. As a school, we emphasise the importance of problem solving and reasoning, resulting in deeper knowledge of mathematical units. Before moving on to more complex content, children must have a firm grasp of concepts and procedures. We pride ourselves by teaching a CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach allowing all children to progress and access learning. We use a wide range of manipulatives to deepen our children’s understanding of concepts to avoid rote learning and repetition of the same tasks. Our curriculum offer is tailored to each cohort ensuring no child is left behind. |
Curriculum Intent |
Children at PRL are taught through small, manageable steps to deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts. Our curriculum encourages all learners to reason mathematically and problem solve, making connections between different mathematical concepts. We believe following a small step approach strengthens the children’s mathematical skills enabling them to become confident, strong and life-long mathematicians. We value the importance of hands-on learning and have tailed our curriculum to follow a CPA approach. The children use concrete manipulatives to support their learning. This is known as the ‘doing’ stage before moving on to pictorial representations. This is the ‘seeing’ stage where children can apply their knowledge of the concrete manipulatives and apply this to a range of pictures, models and representations. Once the children are secure, they will then be presented with abstract representations or otherwise known as the ‘abstract’ stage, requiring the children to use symbols to solve maths calculations. In Reception, the children follow the White Rose scheme of learning and this underpins the learning from Primary Stars that takes place in KS1. In both reception and KS1 classrooms, teaching staff prioritise an additional 15-minute daily Mastering Number lesson, focusing on developing the children’s understanding and fluency of number facts through explicit teaching. Number facts play a huge part in the children’s ability to solve more complex questions quickly, developing their fluency and recall of these facts will continue to support them throughout their time in school and beyond. This is referred to as the ‘Phonics of Maths’. Oracy is at the heart of our school ethos; all teachers use up-to-date and correct mathematical vocabulary. This is communicated and explicitly taught to the children to develop their oracy skills. Stem sentences are also implemented into every lesson to scaffold whole class discussions and partner talk, enabling a fully inclusive environment where all children will achieve! |
Curriculum Implementation |
Reception and KS1 classrooms have daily maths lessons and an additional 15-minute Mastering Number session to develop and strengthen their number fact fluency. All staff are given clear and consistent planning from White Rose (Reception) and Primary Stars (KS1), showing a clear progression of skills. Short term plans are created weekly, taking into account both medium and long-term plans. This ensures all planning reflects where the children are currently working at, creating an inclusive and tailored curriculum. Weekly planning is also amended accordingly through daily formative assessment. Regular CPD sessions are provided for all staff to share, collaborate and develop our evolving maths curriculum offer. We also have begun an important collaborative partnership with Surrey Maths Hub, providing teachers with support and reflection opportunities. All children are present for whole class teaching sessions. Our small step approach allows children to work collaboratively ensuring every child succeeds. Teachers provide on the spot, instant feedback to the children while continuing to add challenge through personalised questioning, problem solving and reasoning opportunities. Reflection time is given to the children to acknowledge how they have found each lesson. We believe the child’s voice plays an important part of delivering a successful mathematics curriculum. At PRL we pride ourselves with having mathematical opportunities at every moment possible. Both staff and children fully immerse themselves into celebrating Maths through national events for example; NSPCC Number Day and World Maths Day, providing children with opportunities to dress up in maths related costumes to going on number scavenger hunts. Furthermore, we ensure our curriculum offer extends to providing many cross-curricula opportunities in Science, Geography, Design and Technology and Computing lessons to name a few. |
Curriculum Impact |
At Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation, the majority of our students will access the learning and progress at a similar rate to their peers. We want all children to be confident in every unit of mathematics developing their problem solving, reasoning and oracy skills while continuing to develop their fluency and automaticity in recalling important number facts. We hold great pride in honouring every child and celebrating their differences. Through end of unit assessments and both verbal and written feedback we endeavour to make sure our pupils are ready to progress and prioritise additional support and time to master mathematical concepts. The maths subject lead and SLT regularly monitor how the curriculum is being delivered and received. Through professional discussions, CPD opportunities and collaborative working with year partners and colleagues’, teachers can make positive adaptations to allow every child access to a broad and balanced curriculum. |
What a ‘typical’ lesson looks like: |
Teaching & Learning |
At PRL we take pride in having a fully inclusive environment, prioritising all children succeeding and becoming confident life-long learners. We believe every child can think mathematically and develop automaticity, supporting their problem-solving skills. Our schemes are fully adaptable and modifications are made to support the children in each class. Our whole class teaching, small steps and CPA approach allows the gap to close bringing all children closer to the end goal of becoming confident, happy and content learners. Resources and scaffolding tasks are used to support children, creating a personalised curriculum. Small group interventions are also used to develop confidence, and consolidate concepts using the NECTM ‘Ready to Progress’ documentation. Teachers continue to work closely with the school's SENCo team supporting all learners to be ready to move onto their next year group. |
Home Learning |
One piece of maths homework is set weekly on Seesaw. This activity should not take the child very long to complete but continues to consolidate important skills outside of the maths lesson. |
Useful Websites / Parent Guides | |
Yearly Overviews |
Links to Policies |