GLF Schools

GLF Schools

GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England.

Our Schools

Banbury Region

Banstead Region

Berkshire & Hampshire Region

Caterham Region

Crawley Region

Didcot Region

Epsom Region

London Boroughs

Redhill Region

Sunbury & Camberley Region

Subject Overview

Jigsaw is a whole-school approach and embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn.  Jigsaw is a comprehensive and completely original PSHE Education programme for the whole primary school from ages 3-11.  Written by teacher and psychotherapist, Jan Lever MBE (services to education) and teachers, and grounded in sound psychology, it also includes all the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education.

Curriculum Intent

Jigsaw has two main aims for all children:

  • To build their capacity for learning 
  • To equip them for life Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, compulsory Relationships and Health Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development.

Curriculum Implementation

It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level.  There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group is taught one lesson per week. All lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.

What a typical lesson looks like

PSHE will take place weekly in all classes.

Assemblies will take place regularly and themes will be embedded throughout the curriculum.

Teaching and Learning

The overview below summarises the content in each of Jigsaw’s units of work (Puzzles).

Being Me In My World covers a wide range of topics, including a sense of belonging, welcoming others and being part of a school community, a wider community, and a global community.  It also looks at children’s rights and responsibilities, working and socialising with others, and pupil voice.

Celebrating Difference focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, power, friendships, and conflict.  Children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’, and most year groups explore the concept of ‘normality’. Anti-bullying, including cyber and homophobic bullying, is an important aspect of this Puzzle.

Dreams and Goals aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what their personal strengths are, and how to overcome challenges, using team-work skills and tasks.  There is also a focus on enterprise and fundraising.  Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment, success; and they get to share their aspirations, the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries, and their dreams for their community and the world.  It’s great for children to have this experience, to think ambitiously, and to have aspirations.

Healthy Me covers two main areas of health: Emotional/mental health (relaxation, being safe, friendships, mental health skills, body image, relationships with food, managing stress) and Physical health (eating a balanced diet, physical activity, rest and relaxation, keeping clean, drugs and alcohol, being safe, first aid).  Most of the statutory content for Health Education (DfE) is contained within this Puzzle.

Relationships starts with building a respectful relationship with self and covers topics including families, friendships, pets and animals, and love and loss.  A vital part of this Puzzle is about safeguarding and keeping children safe.  This links to online safety and social networking.  Children learn how to deal with conflict, build assertiveness skills, and identify their own strengths and strategies for building self-esteem and resilience.  They explore roles and responsibilities in families and friendship groups, and consider stereotypes.

Changing Me deals with change of many types, from growing from young to old, becoming a teenager, assertiveness, puberty, self-respect and safeguarding.  Each year group thinks about looking ahead, moving year groups or the transition to secondary school and how to cope positively with such changes.

SEND and Inclusion

The document covers the six sections of the PSHE Association's SEND Framework (November 2021):

  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-care, Support and Safety
  • Managing Feelings
  • Changing and Growing
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • The World I Live In

All lessons are adapted to meet the needs of all children.

How can I support my child in PSHE?

Looking at the overview will show you what themes are being explored within the class.  Encouraging conversations and expanding understanding will aid your child’s development.

Jigsaw Education Group - Leading provider of PSHE and RE Education